CALLA Projects Around the Country

    The following is a list of CALLA projects around the country.   The descriptions of the projects draw from information collected in the questionnaire on this site.  If you would like to share information about your activities with CALLA, please join the CALLA network by completing a questionnaire!

CALLA at the Intermediate Level:
This project in Orlando Florida is made up of students in grades 6-8.  The predominant languages of students in this ESL and Bilingual program are English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, French and Vietnamese.
For more information on this project, please contact the CALLA project coordinator, Elvia Asencio at

Chinook Middle School: 
This is a middle school program serving low incidence ESL students whose predominant languages are Spanish, Vietnamese and Korean.
For more information about this project please contact the Program Coordinator Charely Harrington at

DeKalb County Schools ESOL Labs Program:
This project  serves students with limited formal schooling ages 13 to 18.  It is three year program that gives 7, 8 and 9th grade credit.  The courses include ESL, Science, social studies, math, reading and health.
For more information on this project please contact the Program Coordinator Dorothy Foster at

Developing Integrated Event-Based Science Kits for MS & HS:
This is a sheltered science program for beginning ESL students and ESL students with interrupted schooling.  The program serves students in grades 6-8 and 9-12.  There are two middle schools and one high school involved in this project.
For more information on this project please contact the Program Coordinator Cynthia Carlson at

Lawrence Public Schools CALLA Project:
This is a Mainstream, Content Based ESL, Sheltered Content and Bilingual CALLA project serving 500 students in the Lawrence, MA area in grades 9-12.  The project began on January 26, 2000.  One of the objectives of the project is to involve students in a problem solving process in which they use their prior knowledge to integrate their native language in various ways.  In addition, other objectives of the project are to raise students' awareness of their own learning strategies, to foster language acquisition through authentic use , and give students a common academic vocabulary.   Evaluation activities include use of rubrics, both student and teacher; and traditional methods, such as checking student notes, quizzes and meetings with supervisors.
For more information on this project please contact the CALLA project coordinator Katherine Darlington at 

McAllen ISD CALLA Coaches:
This is a content based, ESL, and bilingual CALLA program serving students in grades K-12.  The project involves 22,000 students in the McAllen, Texas area.   The predominant languages of this program are Spanish and English.  The objectives of this project are to have all McAllen ISD teachers know and use CALLA strategies with all students to ensure academic success.  Program evaluation is done by CALLA coaches who submit a written assignment every six weeks.  Faculty meeting agendas reflect CALLA presentations.
For more information please contact the CALLA project coordinator, Mrs. Mary Hodge at

Neah Bay Pilot Program.
This program is currently serving grades K-12 in the Neah Bay, WA area.  The project coordinators are currently training mainstream teachers to use CALLA.  The ESL courses presently use the CALLA methods and are geared to provide American cultural literacy while fulfilling ESL requirements.  98% of the public school population in this area are Makah Indians.
For more information please contact the Project Coordinator, Dr. Ann Renker at

or (360) 645-2852

St. Paul Public Schools ELL Programs:
52 languages are represented in this CALLA project involving secondary schools in the St. Paul, MN area.  This is an ESL and LCD (Latino Consent Decree) program.
For more information about this program, please contact the Project Coordinator Mia Cashman at

Title VII Comprehensive CALLA Project:
This mainstream, content based ESL and sheltered content CALLA program serving approximately 450 students in grades 6-12.  The predominant languages of these students are Spanish and English.  The program began in October 1999.
For more information and to contact the CALLA project coordinator at this site, please call Ms. Virginia Rios at (956) 984-6246.


For more information and to contact the CALLA project coordinator at this site, please call Ms. Virginia Rios at (956) 984-6246.

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