Second Language Learning Consultants

Anna Uhl Chamot, Ph. D.

Anna Uhl Chamot is Professor of Secondary Education (ESL and Foreign Language Education) in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development of the George Washington University. She has directed a number of studies investigating the language development of second and foreign language learners and has authored books and articles on language learning strategies She codesigned
and has written extensively about the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) and spent seven years implementing the CALLA model in the Arlington Public Schools in Virginia. She holds a Ph.D. in ESL and applied linguistics from the University of Texas at Austin.


Chamot, A. U.(2001). Teaching learning strategies in immersion classrooms. The ACIE Newsletter 5 (1): 1-4

Chamot, A.U. (2001). Literacy development in high school English language learners: Bilingual and monolingual instruction. In J.E. Alatis & A-H Tan (Eds.), Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics: Language in our time  (pp. 149-163). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.

Chamot, A. U. (2001). The role of learning strategies in second language acquisition. In M.P. Breen (Ed.), Learner contributions to language learning: New directions in research (pp. 25-43). London: Longman.

Chamot, A.U., Barnhardt, S., El-Dinary, P.B., & Robbins, J. (1999).  The Learning Strategies Handbook. White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman.

Chamot, A.U., O'Malley, J.M. (1994) The CALLA handbook: Implementing the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach. White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman.

Jill Robbins, Ph. D.

Jill Robbins is Adjunct Professor of Secondary Education in the Graduate School of Education and Human Development of the George Washington University. She has taught ESL in the US and Japan and has written listening and speaking instructional materials that integrate language and learning strategies instruction.


Robbins, J. and A. J. MacNeill. (2000) IMPACT Listening 1 . Singapore: Pearson.

Robbins, J. 1999. "East meets West - Approaches to Learner Autonomy" In Proceedings of JALT 98, Japan Association for Language Teaching International Conference, Omiya, Japan, November 21-23, 1998.

Chamot, A. U., Barnhardt, S., P.B. El Dinary, and J. Robbins. 1999. The Learning Strategies Handbook. White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman

Robbins, J. 1996. Between 'Hello' and 'See you Later:' Development of Strategies for Interpersonal Communication in English by Japanese EFL Students. Published Ph.D. dissertation, University Microfilms, International. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

Robbins, J. 1996. Language Learning Strategies Instruction in Asia: Cooperative Autonomy? In Proceedings of Autonomy 2000 - The Development of Learning Independence in Language Learning. King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Thonburi, in association with the British Council, Bangkok, Thailand. November 21, 1996. Available as an ERIC document: ED409728 p/d 1996

Robbins, J. and E. S. Dadour. 1996. University-level strategy instruction to improve speaking ability in Egypt and Japan. In R. Oxford (Ed.) Language Learning Strategies Around the World: Cross-cultural perspectives. Manoa: University of Hawaii Second Language Teaching and Learning Center, Technical Report #13.


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